There was not a newsletter last month as it was all quiet on the Welsh front - there's still no white smoke, however the mutterings are that there has been good progress.

Nic has been locked in the studio editing then mixing down the tracks - This is the pedantic phase where every note has to be perfect. There are 9-10-11 tracks, and a full listing will be available shortly along with some sound bites (those that came to the summer shows will have already heard three of the tracks - Dance with Me, Raggle Taggle Gypsio, and Waes Hael).
The next step is to get the resultant tracks "mastered" then we can send it all off for pressing. The main aim of all this is to hopefully have a physical CD thingy available for purchase around the Xmas shows (got to make best use of the marketing potentials ;) ). So here is a plug for the Xmas mini tour ...
Friday 14th December Flowerpot - Derby, Saturday 15th Railway - Winchester, Sunday 16th Robin2 - Bilsden.
Whilst we are talking about shows - much apologies about the cancellation of the show at the Thomas Tripp - I think they discovered that we were not a "covers" band, so pulled out, not that we are cynical or anything.
any way the nights are drawing in earlier these days and i need my beauty sleep..
hopefully we will see you at the xmas shows