Greetings horsey doodes and doodettes,
March has been manic here in the stables - I have hardly had time to draw breath keeping an eye on all that is going on!
First off there is all the comings and goings for the new album, strange sounds emanating from the tack room, and it wasn't the farrier making my new shoes, although I'm sure a pair (or two) of NewRocks would not go amiss!

Which brings me nicely round to the next item... We have had confirmation of a bunch of festival dates over the summer, and are continuing to work on others. These are all up on the website [here], But have added links below for good measure.
"Mr Neddy's Aural Audience Chamber"
More details on the updates can be found [here]

Stay healthy - Eat Organic Hay!
Forthcoming Shows
- 11th - The Flowerpot -Derby http://www.rawpromo.co.uk/
- 27th - Mayfest - Buntingford - Herts http://www.mayfest.org.uk/bands.html
- 13th - Spratton Festival - Northants
- 11th - Farmer Phils Festival - Shropshire
- 23rd - Peterborough Beer Festival (Thursday night)
- 22nd - Salisbury Festival
December - The Xmas Bashes
- 14th - The Flowerpot - Derby
- 15th - The Railway - Winchester
- 16th - The Robin - Bilston - Wolverhampton